Reduce your monthly spend by c.10% or more without switching telco!

TEM helps you optimise your telco spend reliably and inexpensively every month, by rectifying billing errors and suboptimal use. The ROI is quick and significant, being the roughly 10 percent overspend multiplied by the number of months the contract is in force. We also offer you the option to secure credits from historical billing errors.

We do all the implementation work, we just need your people, location, and cost centre lists.  All you have to do is act on the savings that are identified, whether that includes switching off unused connections, stopping misuse, or requesting a credit for billing errors. We assist you all the way through that process.

There are two common overspend categories that TEM can be used to rectify – customer errors, and billing errors. TEM can also help you identify costly usage patterns; we often find that 10% of mobile users are consuming over 50% of the company’s shared services. This visibility allows you to manage unique users within bundles, making it easier to anticipate and control your monthly spend.

Faced with the overwhelming complexity that comes with having dozens of service types, multiple plans and rates, thousands of contracts, and millions of events, billing and customer errors are inevitable. Bill-checking soon becomes a massively complex and challenging task to do every month. It’s too complex and time-consuming to do it in house, and cost reduction experts aren’t perfect or cheap; a compounding problem when you need it done monthly.

That’s where Telco Expense Manager comes in.

How It



Your monthly bills are imported into TEM, which are used to generate monthly reports targeting common billing errors. TEM can also be used in many other ways, by doing analytics on the data to: identify other exceptions (such as suboptimal services and plans), identify usage patterns and misuse, create an RFP module for comparing competing proposals on historic data, complete forensics on data to find and provide evidence of events, and to create an optional historical credit claim report.


This software is used for monthly bill checking, analytics, forensics, service optimisation, and RFP assessments. We start by installing the software and configuring it to your business by importing contract and bill information - your plans, rates, periods, codes etc. We start with a demo and training for your team to use TEM for identifying errors, analysis and forensics, as well as helping with ongoing optimisation and advice. You get this information monthly, with support from us as needed.


An historical credit assessment is a service done using a highly configurable version of TEM to generate a credit claim on historical errors. This process starts by collating historical bills and contract information. Analysis is performed on the historical bills, and then a credit claim report is produced for you to use. We offer support for raising and framing the claim both internally and with your telco, to get the best response.

When should you get started? The sooner the better.

You can reduce your monthly spend by c.10% or more from your next billing cycle, save time and effort in matching telco charges to cost centres, and reduce cash outgoings with current and historical credits.

“Within a few minutes of listening to what the application represented my attention was secured. It seemed evident that Telco Expense Manager was something Hawkins Group could hugely benefit from. Our experience since then confirmed my initial impression, and Hawkins has within a few weeks identified significant savings to its telecommunications spend. This application is a no-brainer, and one that I have no trouble in recommending.”


Hannes van Zyl, CIO, Hawkins Group

“Although we put forward a solid business case for Telco Expense Manager and expected good results, we were pleasantly surprised to realise double the value we forecast from the application. What was impressive was that this occurred in the first month of implementation – and there is still more value left to explore. Our only disappointment is that we didn’t implement this earlier.”


Kara Pugh, Corporate Services Manager – Waste Management

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